How our deputy editor helped her groom-to-be choose his aisle style…

Most ladies will have an idea of what kind of dress shape they think could suit them, they might even know what they want in a wedding dress (although they often come out of the boutique with a totally different style!). But when it comes to the groom, things might not be so easy. Before you start your search you might wonder how difficult it could be to choose a suit, but once you start looking properly and trying styles on you’ll soon realise there are hundreds of options.

When it came to choosing the groomsmen’s attire for our own wedding day, we thought firstly about the venue and the kind of day we will be having. We want our day to be relaxed and relatively informal, so a black tie suit would look out of place.

Although we both love the look of tweed, we didn’t think green or brown tweed jackets would look right at our beachside venue. We found ruling different ideas out the easiest way to narrow down our choices. Ben wanted to wear blue and we decided on textured jackets from Dobell, which will be paired with navy trousers. Colourful accessories from Le Colonel Moutarde add a fun twist on the look. Choosing different accessories for both of our fathers, the groomsmen and Ben means that everyone can have an individual twist, while all matching. Our invitations are designed using the same colours as the accessories and they feature florals so the two tie together perfectly. Of course, when we were choosing we kept the bridesmaid gowns in mind too as well as my own big day look.


When it comes to choosing outfits for your groom and his groomsmen here are some things to consider…

Find your grooms style

This is where your groom really needs to get his decision-making groove on. If a traditional morning suit or tails will make him feel uncomfortable, let him choose a lounge suit, but if your groom wears a suit to work everyday, this look might feel a bit too casual. Have your groom try on a range of styles and see what suits him best.

Jacket length

A tall groom will be able to pull off a longer jacket. For those shorter in stature, choosing a slightly shorter style jacket will prevent your groom appearing smaller in photos. For a smart look, aim to show a little bit of the shirt cuff at the end of your groom’s jacket sleeves.

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Colour choices

Both the colours of your groom’s suit and accessories are worth thinking about. Black, grey and navy suits are timeless, while brown tweed works wonderfully for a country wedding. Remember to choose shoes in a coordinating colour. Use the tie, waistcoat or buttonhole to pick up the colour of the bride’s bouquet, bridesmaid dresses or decoration details.


Whether your groom chooses a pocket square, buttonhole or both is for you to decide together. Match the buttonhole flowers to the bride’s bouquet or add a colour accent with a pocket square. The golden rule? Don’t match the pocket square and tie.



Traditionally worn with tails, braces can add sophistication to your groom’s aisle style. Alternatively, team braces with a tweed jacket and grey or cream trousers for a more laid-back, rustic look.

Get it tailored

A bride wouldn’t hesitate in having her gown made to her measurements and adjusted by a seamstress when needed, so why should a groom? Whether your groom has his suit custom made or buys it off the peg, get it tailored to achieve the perfect fit. Jess-Jordan-Wedding-0258

Awesome accessories

A wedding is the perfect time for your groom to wear the pocket watch he’s always dreamed of having or treat himself to a new accessory of choice. Surprise him with a gift of personalised cufflinks on the morning of the wedding or pick some out to match your wedding theme. Brides spend a long time choosing their jewellery, shoes and accessories and grooms should be no different.

Trendy ties

A cravat is the most formal option, but bowties and ties are also very popular with grooms. Bowties look brilliant with waistcoats and braces while a slim tie achieves a sleek and stylish look. Keep the suit jacket handy when choosing a tie so you can check the width of the tie matches the width of the lapel, just as it should. Cassandra Lane Photography_Fiona & Tom-37

Consider comfort

The time of year you choose to tie the knot will affect the fabric your groom chooses for his outfit. Consider the weight and thickness of the fabric, choosing wool for winter weddings and lighter linen for the summer. It’s also worth bearing in mind the layers you’ll be wearing. For destination weddings, some grooms forgo the jacket altogether and stick to a waistcoat instead.