It goes without saying your wedding shoes have got to look beautiful on your wedding day whether it’s a quick dazzle during your first dance or on show with a shorter length gown – but they have to be functional, too. This means comfortability – how long are you able to walk, stand and dance in them for? Here’s how to test the right shoe match for you…

Wedding Shoes: 6 Ways To Know You've Picked The Perfect Pair
Anna Fowler

Watch the height

There is nothing worse than tired feet from heels that are too high. For most people, heels three inches or below are the most popular and most comfortable on their wedding day but if you’re a regular wearer of four-inch heels then now’s the time to really go for it!

The twirl test

Everyone loves to have a dance at a wedding but there is nothing worse than worrying about a shoe flying off mid-twirl. The best way to prevent this is to opt for a shoe with a strap or two on your foot. An ankle strap on higher heels will also make them more comfortable.


Decoration danger

Any crystals or detailed 3D beading used to embellish your shoes run the risk of catching your dress, especially if your wedding dress falls below your ankles. The easiest way to check is to take a piece of fabric similar or a sample from the boutique with you when you try your shoes on. Run the piece of fabric over the shoe and see if it catches. This should give you some indication whether it could be a potential problem. Alternatively, if your budget will stretch source a second pair of wedding shoes without the frills so as to avoid any damage to your dress during the evening disco…

Choose wisely

Everyone’s feet come in different shapes and sizes and so do shoes, so you should try a shoe on in a couple of different sizes to check the best fit. If you’re getting married in a hot country or even on a hot summer’s day, there’s a good chance that your feet will swell a little with the heat. A clever tip to avoid this problem is to go shoe shopping in the afternoon once you’ve been on your feet for a little bit so you will get a better feel for how the shoes will fit on the day.


Wear them in

We all know that pinching feeling of new shoes. Make sure you get your shoes in advance, so you can start wearing them in and around the house a few weeks before the big day.

Added comfort

If you know you are particularly hard wearing on your shoes, it might be a good idea to consider extra padding or insoles for your wedding shoes. Rachel Simpson Shoes and Rainbow Club wedding shoes are designed and made specifically to look beautiful AND be comfortable with added support in mind.